Do you want to be up-to-date on what UCCS is doing to further sustainability on campus? 
This 2nd Annual Sustainability Summit provides the means to find out and to connect with others on campus doing innovative and engaging projects and programs. Sustainability addresses a broad range of issues including reducing our carbon footprint, supporting diversity and inclusion, promoting health and wellness and much more. 

Faculty, staff, and students will share highlights of their efforts and successes and there will be a chance to discuss recommendations for further progress. 

Local, seasonal lunch will be served for those who register.



Sustainability Summit Poster




Download the PDF here: SustainSummit_Schedule_8.5x11_0.pdf



Only have a short amount of time? Take the Campus Shuttles! See below for a list of times. You'll want to get off the shuttle bus at Alpine and walk across Stanton Road to Roaring Fork - Kettle Creek. See map below. 




U Hall L103 Cent The Lodge Alpine The Lodge Cent
        7:00 AM 7:03 AM 7:10 AM
7:00 AM 7:03 AM 7:13 AM 7:17 AM 7:20 AM 7:23 AM 7:30 AM
7:20 AM 7:23 AM 7:33 AM 7:37 AM 7:40 AM 7:43 AM 7:50 AM
7:40 AM 7:43 AM 7:53 AM 7:57 AM 8:00 AM 8:03 AM 8:10 AM
8:00 AM 8:03 AM 8:13 AM 8:17 AM 8:20 AM 8:23 AM 8:30 AM
8:20 AM 8:23 AM 8:33 AM 8:37 AM 8:40 AM 8:43 AM 8:50 AM
8:40 AM 8:43 AM 8:53 AM 8:57 AM 9:00 AM 9:03 AM 9:10 AM
9:00 AM 9:03 AM 9:13 AM 9:17 AM 9:20 AM 9:23 AM 9:30 AM
9:20 AM 9:23 AM 9:33 AM 9:37 AM 9:40 AM 9:43 AM 9:50 AM
9:40 AM 9:43 AM 9:53 AM 9:57 AM 10:00 AM 10:03 AM 10:10 AM
10:00 AM 10:03 AM 10:13 AM 10:17 AM 10:20 AM 10:23 AM 10:30 AM
10:20 AM 10:23 AM 10:33 AM 10:37 AM 10:40 AM 10:43 AM 10:50 AM
10:40 AM 10:43 AM 10:53 AM 10:57 AM 11:00 AM 11:03 AM 11:10 AM
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11:40 AM 11:43 AM 11:53 AM 11:57 AM 12:00 PM 12:03 PM 12:10 PM
12:20 PM 12:23 PM 12:33 PM 12:37 PM 12:40 PM 12:43 PM 12:50 PM
12:40 PM 12:43 PM 12:53 PM 12:57 PM 1:00 PM 1:03 PM 1:10 PM



2nd Annual Sustainability Summit
Friday, Oct. 26th | 9am-12:30pm | Roaring Fork - Kettle Creek