Sustainability Summit
Earth Week 2024 Sustainability Summit
Frequently Asked Questions
Each year, we encourage self-nominations for presentations along with inviting folks from various campus departments to speak to initiatives, programs and projects from the previous year. If you have a presenter recommendation, feel free to submit their name, contact information and presentation topic to sustain@uccs.edu
2021 Event Webpage + Event Recording - including the keynote conversation with Patricia Cameron, Founder & Executive Director for Colorado Blackpackers
2020 Presentation Videos | a virtual event
2019 Presentation Slides | UCCS Sustainability Event Webpage | 2019 Sustainability Summit Event Recording - including the keynote presentation from Jeni Cross, the Director of Research for the Institute for the Built Environment and Associate Professor of Sociology at Colorado State University
2018 Presentation Slides | UCCS Sustainability Event Webpage
2017 Presentation Slides | UCCS Sustainability Event Webpage
Yes! Sustainnovate had a five-year run of connecting our campus community to broader efforts, research, and people investing in sustainability initiatives. Each year took a deep-dive into a specific topic. After five years, the Office of Sustainability decided to refocus our efforts on celebrating UCCS successes and since 2017, we've hosted an annual Sustainability Summit.
Year 1: General Sustainability
Year 2: Food Revolution
Year 3: Climate Change Symposium
Year 4: Sustainable Mobility Summit
Year 5: Water in the West
Learn about past Sustainnovate topics and presentations.