Sustainability Summit

Sustainability Summit info

The annual UCCS Sustainability Summit provides connection and celebration with others on campus supporting innovative, engaging projects and programs. Sustainability addresses a broad range of issues including reducing our carbon footprint, supporting diversity and inclusion, promoting health and wellness and much more. 

Faculty, staff, and students share highlights of their efforts and successes along with opportunities to discuss recommendations for further progress. 

Earth Week 2024 Sustainability Summit

Frequently Asked Questions

Each year, we encourage self-nominations for presentations along with inviting folks from various campus departments to speak to initiatives, programs and projects from the previous year. If you have a presenter recommendation, feel free to submit their name, contact information and presentation topic to

2021 Event Webpage + Event Recording - including the keynote conversation with Patricia Cameron, Founder & Executive Director for Colorado Blackpackers
2020 Presentation Videos | a virtual event
2019 Presentation Slides | UCCS Sustainability Event Webpage | 2019 Sustainability Summit Event Recording - including the keynote presentation from Jeni Cross, the Director of Research for the Institute for the Built Environment and Associate Professor of Sociology at Colorado State University
2018 Presentation Slides | UCCS Sustainability Event Webpage
2017 Presentation Slides | UCCS Sustainability Event Webpage

Yes! Sustainnovate had a five-year run of connecting our campus community to broader efforts, research, and people investing in sustainability initiatives. Each year took a deep-dive into a specific topic. After five years, the Office of Sustainability decided to refocus our efforts on celebrating UCCS successes and since 2017, we've hosted an annual Sustainability Summit. 

Year 1: General Sustainability
Year 2: Food Revolution
Year 3: Climate Change Symposium
Year 4: Sustainable Mobility Summit
Year 5: Water in the West

Learn about past Sustainnovate topics and presentations.