Bestway MRF Tour

What happens to your stuff after you throw it in the blue bins? We'll be visiting the Bestway Disposal MRF (Material Recovery Facility) to find out!


We have limited seats on the shuttle bus, so if you have not already received an email invitation, please email Kimberly at or call x3089 to inquire about space on the tour. 

Can't join us, but want to see what a MRF is like? Check out this video produced by Bestway Disposal. 


UCCS 3rd Annual Sustainability Summit

Do you want to be up-to-date on what UCCS is doing to further sustainability on campus? This 3rd Annual Sustainability Summit provides the means to find out and to connect with others on campus doing innovative and engaging projects and programs. Sustainability addresses a broad range of issues including reducing our carbon footprint, supporting diversity and inclusion, promoting health and wellness and much more. 

10th Annual Bike Jam

Bike Jam is an annual UCCS event that encourages alternate methods of transportation, specifically bicycles, for the purpose of living healthier and sustainable lives! Bike Jam kicks-off our UCCS Bike Month Challenge, in which faculty, staff, and students can participate to win great prizes by commuting to and from UCCS 

RSVP by clicking the button below for Bike Jam Breakfast, Lunch, and more!