6th annual creek week cleanup image

Join us on Tuesday, October 1st from 9:30am-12:30pm to help clean-up the Templeton Gap Floodway! 

Reserve your volunteer spot here! Creek Week swag will be provided for all volunteers!

The University adopted a segment of the creek through the City of Colorado Springs' adopt-a-waterway cleanup program. Two times a year, we invite volunteers to help us cleanup this precious resource. 

The fall semester clean-up coincides with the watershed-wide Creek Week initiative. Be part of 2,000+ volunteers who will help clean-up sections of the Fountain Creek Watershed from Sept. 28th - Oct. 6th! Want to know more information about our local watershed or how to volunteer for more than one cleanup? Check out the Creek Week website. 

Make sure to wear closed-toe shoes, bring a water bottle, and apply sunscreen. Meet in Lot 100 near University Hall at 9:15am. We will walk the greenway trail to get to our clean-up location. If you are an off-campus volunteer, please contact sustain@uccs.edu to learn more about parking/transportation options. 

6th Annual Creek Week Cleanup poster

6th Annual Creek Week Cleanup site map.jpg