Patagonia's Worn Wear Tour is making an all-day stop at UCCS on Monday, April 10th!

There are two different aspects of the day:
10am-5pm - West Lawn - NO RSVP NEEDED

-  Bring your torn gear (any brand) to learn simple repairs to make them last for your next adventure. 
- Patagonia: Delia Repair Truck

- Guayaki Yerba Mate: free samples
- S.O.L.E. Bike Maintence Shop: 12-4pm
- Chalk the Walk: 12-2pm
- Klean Kanteen giveaway
- SEAS: Take Back the Tap bottle giveaway + taste test: 11am-2pm

5-8pm - Dwire Hall - Lobby + 121 - RSVP NEEDED - SCROLL BELOW THE PHOTO
Also, don't forget to check out the Facebook page to stay up-to-date on event happenings!