
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Help UCCS reduce the number of single-use coffee cups on campus!

'Espresso Yourself' by bringing a reusable mug to any UCCS Coffee Shop and receive 30 cents off your beverage. 

The Zero Waste Team will be giving out FREE coffee, hot chocolate, and mate* near Cafe 65 on the following Tuesdays. Make sure to BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug)!

4/17 (12-2pm) - special Earth Day 2018 event - don't forget to reduce by eliminating plastic straws when drinking iced beverages. 

4/10 (12-2pm)
3/6 (12-2pm)
2/27 (10am-2pm)
2/6 (10am-12pm)
1/30 (10am-12pm)

We've also received a generous number of stickers to help 'Espresso Yourself' by supporting UCCS and local, community organizations. Stickers on mugs. Stickers on water bottles. How else can you #espressoyourself and help reduce single-use items?

Stickers provided by:
Bike Colorado Springs
Christy Sports
Colorado Springs Food Rescue
Fountain Creek Watershed, Flood Control and Greenway District
Guayaki Yerba Mate
Mountain Metro Transit
PLAN: The Post-Landfill Action Network
Tech Wears
Trails and Open Space Coalition
The Greenway Fund
UCCS Green Action Fund
UCCS Office of Student Activities

*Guayaki Yerba Mate was generously donated by the Guayaki Brand Company.

UC - Cafe 65