Meet Lisa, Craig, Jerod, and Martin


Meet Lisa, Craig, Jerod, and Martin

UCCS Police Bike Patrol


Meet the UCCS Bike Patrol

1.  What is your favorite part about biking?  I enjoy biking for several reasons.  Namely, it keeps me out of a car and in shape.  While biking on campus, it affords me the opportunity to meet many more people and talk with them about the advantages of cycling both for commuting and recreation.         

2. What is an advantage of having police officers on bikes instead of in cars?   There are so many advantages.  Perhaps the most important for our department is it allows us to go places we normally would not be able to patrol.  Our officers utilize cycling because it really allows us to educate our campus community on bicycle safety and opens a line of communication that normally would not be there.  As an added benefit, we are reducing our department's carbon footprint by cycling as often as we are able. 

3.  What other ways does the UCCSPD incorporate sustainable practices? Our department also utilizes motorcycles, which use considerably less fuel than patrol cars.  Unfortunately, because of the nature of our job, we still must use patrol cars and SUV's during the course of our duties, but we try to use alternative transportation as much as we can.