Office of Sustainability
What is Sustainability?

Sustainability can be understood through three key pillars -- Environmental, Social, and Economic . The choices we make -- how we travel, the food and water we consume, the products we buy, the energy we use, how we make a living, and how we treat others --are all connected and a part of sustainability.
Browse our website to learn how you can engage in sustainability topics through your studies, extracurricular activities, and everyday habits.

STARS is designed to provide meaningful comparisons of sustainability over time and across institutions using a common set of measurements, create incentives for continual improvement toward sustainability, and build a stronger sustainability community with varied perspectives.
Sustainability Strategic Plan

As a response to the global climate crisis, UCCS has committed to reducing the University's carbon footprint through innovative practices, collaborative partnerships, and strategic investments.
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History of Sustainability at UCCS
The Beginning

Campus Sustainability Committee
Campus Sustainability Committee formed. This committee advocated for a sustainability office, a sustainability focus for curriculum, and increased sustainability in the operations of the campus. Many of the following accomplishments can be attributed to the dedication of the Campus Sustainability Committee

Students for Environmental Awareness and Sustainability, SEAS, student club created. Students organized renewable energy fairs and Earth Day events, pushed for green buildings on campus, and created a campaign to save energy by encouraging the turning off of lights.

Sustainability Symposium
The Social Science Symposium Committee partnered with SEAS and the Faculty Sustainability Committee to host a three-part multidisciplinary series on sustainability. The purpose of the symposium was to raise awareness of how different disciplines are incorporating sustainability into their work. Sessions were attended by students, faculty, and community members. Sustainable engineering was addressed in a talk entitled "Engineering with Soul: Sustainability Engineering and International Development" by Bernard Amadei, CU Boulder. Hilary Mizia, New Belgium Brewing Company, presented "Brewing Sustainability: The Business Case for Sustainability." Thoric Cederstrom, Counterpart International, delivered "Malnutrition at the Margin: The Political Ecology of Global Hunger and the Sustainability of International Food Aid".

USGBC + Office of Sustainability Beginning
UCCS becomes member of US Green Building Council, USGBC. The USGBC is the nation's foremost coalition of leaders from across the building industry working to promote buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable, and healthy places to live and work. UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan UCCS hired its first Sustainability Officer and created the Office of Sustainability. Colorado Springs was the first campus in the CU system to have a designated Sustainability Officer.

Facility Strategic Plan
Initiated update of Facilities Strategic Plan (formerly Campus Master Plan) with significant focus on sustainability. Chancellor Shockley-Zalabak reconvenes a broader Sustainability Task Force to develop a Sustainability Strategic Plan with measurable 5-year targets, timelines and processes to achieve goals outlined in the initial Sustainability Task Force Final Report. The task force consists of more than 40 faculty, staff and student from Business, Engineering, Health Sciences, Sociology, Geography and Environmental Studies, Anthropology, Communications and Administration.

AASHE + Sustainability Curriculum
UCCS joins Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, AASHE. UCCS approved a new multidisciplinary Minor in Sustainable Development. Courses from Geography and Environmental Studies, Communications, Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science, History, Chemistry, and Biology are included. Fall Freshman Seminar introduces a course specifically on sustainability.

Sustainability Strategic Plan
University develops its first Sustainability Strategic Plan. The five-year plan provides five-year targets, performance indicators, and action steps in improving sustainability in leadership, education and operations on campus. University incorporates sustainability for the first time in the UCCS Strategic Plan 2007-2012. Sustainability is featured as one of 15 strategic goals for the university to becoming a sustainability leader in the Pike Peak region. UCCS is a charter signatory to the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC).

Sustainability Summit + STARS
UCCS holds its first Sustainability Summit. Five local and global leaders in sustainability engaged students, faculty, staff and local community members in a variety of sustainability issues. UCCS is one of 70 institutions participating in the pilot of AASHE's Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Rating System (STARS). The first Campus Sustainability Report is published. The report was designed to communicate university sustainability milestones and successes to the campus and the Pikes Peak community at large.

Solar Fee
In 2008, Brandon James, while serving as UCCS SGA President, proposed the Solar Fee, which the UCCS student body passed in April 2008. The goal was to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels with a simple $5.00 student fee.

First Sustainability Assessment
UCCS receives its first external sustainability assessment. The Sustainable Endowments Institute awards UCCS an overall grade of 'B' on the 2010 College Sustainability Report Card, including 'A's' for the subjects of 'Administration' and 'Investment Priorities'.

LEED Gold Building
UCCS Receives USGBC LEED Gold Certification for Science & Engineering Building. The Colorado Renewable Energy Society (CRES) declared this building the winner of 2009's 'Renewable Energy and Sustainable Design in Buildings Award' in the Institutional Buildings category. UCCS Receives USGBC LEED Gold Certification for Recreation Center The first high-performance building on campus and the first public building in Southern Colorado to receive this designation, the Recreation Center is awarded LEED Gold Certification.

LEED Gold Building
The third LEED Gold building on campus, the Gallogly Events Center, opens. UCCS establishes a zero-waste goal with its first zero-waste event, the men's and women's basketball games for Blackout Night in the new LEED Gold Gallogly Events Center.

Climate Action Plan
UCCS completes its first Climate Action Plan. The report details a plan to reduce carbon emissions through energy conservation campaigns, retrofit projects, high performance new building, greening of the grid, and pursuing renewable energy.

Silver Rating + LEED Gold Building
UCCS receives a silver rating in the Sustainability Tracking Rating and Assessment System (STARS) directed by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). Centennial Hall (formerly Science) Renovation completed. Achieves LEED Gold for Commercial Interiors. UCCS garden Demonstration and xeriscape garden completed behind Centennial Hall. 25kW photovoltaic solar system installed on the roof of Centennial Hall.

Green Action Fund
The Solar Fee funded three solar projects before it was repurposed in 2011 to fund a broader range of sustainability projects. In Spring 2011, an amendment to the $5.00-per-semester student Solar Fee Referendum passed, expanding the purpose of the solar fee from strictly solar energy projects to include a broader range of sustainability-related projects on the campus. In Fall of 2011, the Green Action Fund formed, approving the first projects in Spring of 2012. In the Spring of 2013, the sunset of the solar fee was extended, and the name changed to the 'Green Action Fee' in a special election.

Compost + Sustainability Strategic Plan
Compost collection added to UCCS waste diversion program. Compost is collected at the Lodge, University Center, and Family Development Center. Diversion rate increases to over 40 percent. UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan 2012-2020 completed by staff, faculty, and students with input from the entire campus.

The first annual SUSTAINOVATION panel and tabling event was hosted to celebrate successes in sustainability within the campus community. Copper House and Eldora House construction completed. Both achieve LEED Gold certification. With the launch of the Greening of the Office Program (GOTO), the Office of Sustainability hopes to collaborate with faculty, staff and students in an effort to reduce the university's energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. The Flying Carrot was founded by Nanna Meyer, a UCCS sports nutrition professor, to promote food literacy on campus in collaboration with Pikes Peak Community Foundation.

UCCS Dining and Hospitality Services (DHS) starts the new semester under their own management. DHS strives to cultivate and nurture a healthy campus culture where access to wholesome, seasonal, and local food directly links to wellness, sense of place, and environmental protection. Construction of a 3000 sq. ft. greenhouse on campus allows for local produce to be incorporated into UCCS Dining and Hospitality Services. Students learning about the farming practices utilized in the UCCS greenhouse.
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10th Anniversary
SUSTAINOVATION: The third annual Sustainnovation event revolved around the theme of climate change. Students, faculty and staff came together to learn, connect and act upon ways to address climate change and advance sustainability within the region. 10th ANNIVERSARY: The Office of Sustainability celebrated its 10th anniversary marking a decade of dedicated faculty, staff and students working to decrease UCCS’ carbon footprint. CAMPUS CONSERVATION NATIONALS (CCN): The month long conservation challenge encouraged residential students to decrease their energy and water use. Each week, the office worked with Residence Life to host an event to engage and educate students on many ways to conserve. Throughout the month long campaign, residential students decreased about 70.364kWh per day, which is an equivalent to $7.74 saved per day. KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL: binsOne of our Recycling Coordinator student staff, Alex Greanias, wrote and received 50 slim jim recycling bins through the Keep America Beautiful Bin Grant. These bins were placed throughout campus to help increase our diversion rate. OZZI: A student intern, Mae Rohrbach, wrote and received a grant through the Green Action Fund to purchase the OZZI machine. This program has the goal of reducing single-use containers within Café 65 and Clyde’s by providing reusable containers. 2016 GREEN RIBBON SUSTAINNOVATE: The Office hosted its fourth annual Sustainnovate Symposium on the topic of sustainable mobility, featuring speakers, exhibits, awards, and workshops. The event focuses on the idea of learn, connect, and act. Throughout the day, student, faculty, staff and community members learned about community infrastructure, new technologies, and more! CCN: This year UCCS Campus Conservation Nationals campaign had an overall electricity reduction of 3.19% (8,771 kWh). UCCS met its original goal of achieving 2-3% reduction in electricity use. The reduction was equivalent to averting roughly 15,947 pounds of CO2 from entering the atmosphere, and approximately $831 in savings. GREEN RIBBON: University of Colorado Colorado Springs was selected as the state of Colorado’s nomination for the 2016 US Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Awards. The award recognizes schools for reducing environmental impact and costs; improving the health and wellness of schools, students, and staff; and providing environmental education, which teaches many disciplines, and is especially good at incorporating STEM, civic skills, and green career pathways. COS BIKE SUMMIT: UCCS hosted the first annual Colorado Springs Bike Summit, which is designed to get information to people who care about biking, create bike advocates, and shape a vision of what is possible in Colorado Springs.

Green Ribbon
SUSTAINNOVATE: The Office hosted its fourth annual Sustainnovate Symposium on the topic of sustainable mobility, featuring speakers, exhibits, awards, and workshops. The event focuses on the idea of learn, connect, and act. Throughout the day, student, faculty, staff and community members learned about community infrastructure, new technologies, and more! CCN: This year UCCS Campus Conservation Nationals campaign had an overall electricity reduction of 3.19% (8,771 kWh). UCCS met its original goal of achieving 2-3% reduction in electricity use. The reduction was equivalent to averting roughly 15,947 pounds of CO2 from entering the atmosphere, and approximately $831 in savings. GREEN RIBBON: University of Colorado Colorado Springs was selected as the state of Colorado’s nomination for the 2016 US Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Awards. The award recognizes schools for reducing environmental impact and costs; improving the health and wellness of schools, students, and staff; and providing environmental education, which teaches many disciplines, and is especially good at incorporating STEM, civic skills, and green career pathways. COS BIKE SUMMIT: UCCS hosted the first annual Colorado Springs Bike Summit, which is designed to get information to people who care about biking, create bike advocates, and shape a vision of what is possible in Colorado Springs.

SDH Solar Panels
The Green Action Fund awarded money for both the installation as well as eight scholarships for UCCS students, which reduced their tuition cost for the course to $50. Seven of the students also took the course for credit through either mechanical and aerospace engineering, or geography and environmental studies. The Green Action Fund awarded money for both the installation as well as 8 scholarships for UCCS students, which reduced their cost from $1800 to just $50. Seven of the students also took the course for credit through either Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering or Geography and Environmental Studies, so UCCS also received tuition dollars. Solar panels were donated by Sunshare, a solar firm that established the first community solar gardens in Colorado Springs, which also hosts some of UCCS’ arrays. The course was a partnership between Solar Energy International, UCCS and Aim High Solar, a local installation company experienced with integrating students into projects.


STARS Assessment
In 2020 we started our assessment of STARS (Sustainable Tracking Assessment Rating System). We earned a rating of Gold and a score of 65.05 on our fourth submission. We improved on Innovation & Leadership, Campus Engagement, and Food & Dining compared to our submission. We saw a decrease in Investment & Finance, Transportation, Research, Energy, and Diversity & Affordability compared to our last submission. Although UCCS saw a decrease in overall score along with individual credits, campus partners supported the efforts of tracking and reporting longitudinal sustainability data during a very difficult time in our global history. Through this perseverance, we have updated information to improve our Campus Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030.

IDK Bin Campaign
IDK BIN: This campaign came out of a student going to an ASSHE Conference and see another campus doing this campaign on their own campus. It started in 2020 with putting them in certain locations in the KFL Library. Though this campaign could not be completed in 2020 it was brought back in 2021 where the top items discovered were on-campus coffee cups, wrappers, and off-campus coffee cups.
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