Jessica Jennings - [Summer 2021]
Internship Project: Ozone GardenOverview
Jessica Jennings
Geography & Environmental Studies
Graduation Year:
May 2022
Internship Project:
Ozone Garden Research
Project Goals:
To spread awareness about the negative effects of ground-level ozone pollution on plant and human health. To collect thorough data and accurate atmospheric readings for the NCAR to further analyze and apply. To create a clean and inviting space for students and those interested in expanding their knowledge on sustainable methods to lessen ground-level ozone pollution and to be able to recognize the signs of potential ozone damage. To encourage citizens to adopt and participate in sustainable practices on a daily basis.
Project Description:
The ozone garden is a student-run, Green Action Fund (GAF) project which allows me to screen the natural ecosystems health in the environment through the monitoring of bioindicator plants and the use of new scientific technology. The ozone garden is a visual representation of the harmful effects ground-level ozone pollution has on our environment and health and is indicative of air quality in any given area. Monitoring air quality is especially important in this area due to high ozone levels in the Denver Metro/Front Range Region being out of compliance with the US Environmental Protection Agency Since 2007.
What is your favorite part of the Internship program:
My favorite part of the internship position is how much I have learned. I learned the importance of monitoring pollution and tropospheric ozone levels. I also learned how ozone sensitive plants communicate with us through external indicators. Examining these plants gives us an idea about how much pollution is around us on campus. It can be easy to forget about air pollution, but when plants communicate problems with air quality, it’s a sign that we need to take action. The ozone garden takes something that may seem a little abstract like air pollution and provides real data to connect with us.