Andrew Rippe portrait

Andrew Rippe - [Spring 2017]

Academic Internship Project: Stormwater Management


Andrew Rippe

Geography and Environmental Studies

Graduation Year:
December 2017 

Internship Project:
UCCS Stormwater Management

Project Description:
I worked directly with Sherry Reed, Design and Construction Project Manager, repairing certain requirements such as minimal control measures for UCCS' non-standard MS4 permit.  I inspected and mapped better management practices (BMPs) throughout campus using ComplianceWise computer software developed by Stormwater Risk Management SRM, a third-party inspection company.  I also worked with the stormwater team to develop informative posters and presentations for the 5th annual Sustainnovate Conference + Expo; this year's topic was 'Water in the West'.  I conducted presentations at the UCCS Family Development Center as part of community outreach along with a formal presentation to Facilities Services with an overview of the work I completed throughout the semester.

What is your favorite part of the Internship Program? 
My favorite part of the internship program is difficult to answer. There have been many parts of this opportunity that I enjoyed.  For one, I get 3 credits for it.  I was introduced to many people around campus and the city that will be very beneficial after graduation.  Stormwater management is the area I want to work in and working on campus has given me valuable experience that I can take with me after graduation.  Great opportunity for students!