Maddie Godby

Maddie Godby - [Spring - Summer 2018]

Internship Project: Pedal Perks


Maddie Godby

Health and Wellness Promotion

Graduation Year:
May 2018

Internship Project:
Pedal Perks

Project Goals:
To create awareness of alternative transportation options
To increase bike incentive program participation
To engage campus community through group rides and events

Project Description:
Pedal Perks is a bike incentive program exclusive to UCCS students, faculty and staff. Initiated 2014 through a Kaiser Permanente grant, this program promotes active transportation as a way of integrating wellness and sustainability into our everyday lives. It helps individuals decrease their carbon footprint, increase physical fitness and improve overall health and wellbeing. Pedal Perks is supported by UCCS Parking and Transportation, Campus Recreation, Office of Sustainability, Beth-El College of Nursing & Health Sciences and the UCCS Green Action Fund. Learn more here. 

Maddie was also part of the Colorado Springs Bike Month and Bike to Work Day Events Subcommittee where she created content for the inaugural #cosbikeBINGO to engage community members in a fun way to try new things by bike. She was an integral team member for marketing Bike Month events and the organization of the UCCS-specific Bike to Work Day breakfast.